Explain Everything Reviews the Water Cycle

So as I receive this great new technology and I am thinking of ways that it can help my students, my school signs up to be part of the Reporting Pilot Program. Now I also need to think of ways to show parents how students are progressing in their learning.

In the fall, we started learning about water and the Water Cycle. We had discussions, a few experiments, and we drew a diagram of what happens to water. Now, how do I assess my students learning where some can write and some struggle.

We had already started exploring Explain Everything in November with our big buddies. This made it easier to have students record their knowledge, no writing required. With 5 iPads and a PE block, my class was able to take a picture of their Water Cycle diagram and record themselves describing what happens to the water.

All of our challenges were technical ones. Most of my students were able to complete the task, however they needed some reminders on how to take a picture in the app and how to record their voice. I also chose not to walk them through the process of saving the video to the iPad. I had five students working at a time in the hallway and a quiet room. We were able to finish within their 30 minute PE block.

Downside, I did not think about my Padcaster's wonderful microphones. We could have used the stick mic and the lapel mic to help cancel some of the background noise from the other students working and me describing the task. When you watch (more like listen), you will understand what I mean. Overall, it was a great first try. I then posted all videos to students' ClassDojo profile so parent could hear how much they had learned on the topic. Science Point of Contact complete.
