App Plug: Epic! Books

I wanted to give a shout out to Epic! Books. I think most teachers have discovered the brilliance of this App. Access is free for teachers, then you and your students have access to published books, audiobooks, some videos, Read-to-Me books, and quizzes.

My class has been using Epic! for our Literacy Centres as our listening station.  With 5 iPads, this makes the perfect station. My students can listen to books that may be higher than their reading ability, which is great for my students with Learning Disabilities, or students can read a book at their level. I have been able to download or create a collection of books according to our class/school themes and units and share it with all of my students or some of them.

When my 2/3s meet with their big buddies, they read their levelled books and then they get a chance to explore Epic! with their big buddy. Often they are on their big buddy's iPad and get to seen some different books and levels.

Finally, I am able to monitor what my students are reading and how long it takes them to read a book. Students gain levels the more books they read.

Happy Reading!
